Rain Barrel Tips
Capturing and reusing rainwater offers a barrelful of benefits, including saving on utility bills, boosting the health of your lawn with chemical-free water, avoiding watering restrictions and helping the environment. Collecting rain in barrels helps slow runoff and encourages rain to soak into the soil more efficiently, which is important to recharging groundwater supplies and protecting sensitive ecosystems.
Using a rain barrel also reduces demand from community water supplies, helps avoid the consequences of overusing local water sources, and helps prolong the life of the homeowner’s well and well pump.
In addition to saving money on your utility bill, conserving water can also extend the life of your septic system by reducing soil saturation, and reducing any pollution due to leaks. Overloading municipal sewer systems can also cause untreated sewage to flow to lakes and rivers. The less water flowing through these systems, the lower the likelihood of pollution.
Rain barrels are especially useful for saving rainwater for a not-so-rainy day. By saving rainwater from the wetter seasons, you'll have plenty to use without taxing your well or municipal supply during the summer.