Rainwater stored in rain barrels has many uses. Some people find it mostly useful for watering Plants, flowers, gardens, shrubs, birdbaths, house plants, vegetables, and fruit trees. They help reduce the amount of run off water which collects materials that pollute rivers and creeks. A Rain Barrel can also help reduce the amount of water that may settle around the foundation of your home. Rain Barrels overcome water restrictions and save money by reducing water bills, preserve landscaping, and contribute to the environment! They provide an ample supply of free 'soft water' to homeowners, containing no chlorine, lime or calcium.

How Does It Work?

The rain barrel is placed underneath a shortened downspout, diverting the roof runoff into the rain barrel. Placing the rain barrel on a STURDY platform will allow for more clearance under the spigot, and it will also increase the rate of flow if you are attaching a hose to the barrel's spigot. Rain barrels reduce the amount of stormwater runoff by collecting roof runoff and storing the rainwater for future use.

Kell Bells Glass Cloche Jars

There is something about nature that brightens up our lives, and with a Kell Bell terrarium — a miniature garden in a glass — you can bring nature into your home or office. Aquariums have long been a feature in many homes, bringing a sense of serenity to go with the aesthetic pleasure. And what aquariums are to water, terrariums are to earth, now making their way into many homes as more and more people embrace the “go green” concept and seek to get a little closer to nature.

Glass Cloche Jars

Glass Cloche Jars

Rain Chains

A unique decorative alternative to the gutter downspout, rain chains will add a dramatic focal point for your outdoor enjoyment. How soothing to behold as a rainwater dances down the handcrafted channels.



Kelleys Rain Chains

Rainchains initiated in Japan (also known as “Kusari Doi"). Rain chains are known to date back more than a hundred years ago. The heritage of the japanese placed their rainchain around their temples and their homes. Kelleys Rain Chains replace the traditional downspout on a typical household gutter system. They are a wonderful way to add a unique decorative accent to your house, while maintaining the functionality of a traditional downspout. With rain chains, you can actually see the water as it clings to the chains, or funnels through the cups, as it makes its way down to the ground. The look and sound of the cascading water is mesmerizing.

Custom Rain Barrels

Kelley would be delighted to paint your Rain Barrel with a design of your choosing.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Estimates that lawn and garden watering make up about 40 percent of household water use in summer months, and that a rain barrel will save most homeowners 1,300 gallons of water during that time.

Please Save Water Video

Ask About Our Workshops?

Learn something new by taking a workshop. All of our workshops — including new hands-on workshops. They’re taught by people who really know Rain Barrels and go green products and are eager to share their knowledge with you. So count on picking up plenty of tips and tricks.

Slide Show:

Kelleys Rain Barrels Best Green Trend: Rain barrels: WE HAVE THE BEST BARRELS IN TOWN !

Kelleys Rain Barrels Best Green Trend: Rain barrels: WE HAVE THE BEST BARRELS IN TOWN !
Click On Creative Loafing Logo

Kelleys Compost Barrels

Produce your own all natural compost for your vegetables, flower, herbs and practically everything else that grows out of the ground with the Kelleys Compost Barrels. Turn yard, garden and kitchen waste into high quality compost in a unit that is simple, clean, and safe to use. What is Composting? Composting is nature's process of recycling decomposed organic materials into a rich soil known as compost. Finished compost looks like soil–dark brown, crumbly and smells like a forest floor.



Composting Can Save You Money!

Using organic compost can save you the need of using water,and pesticides and fertilizers. Don't throw your yard waste away Kelleys Compost Barrels are truly the best Composting Item that your Garden and Plants need.


Give your Plants the perfect growing enviroment and order your GO GREEN GARDEN package today.(RIAN BARREL, COMPOST BARREL AND RAIN CHAIN).